OMUAFC Membership Information
What you need to know
Here you will find information about Team Selection, Football Gear, Footballs, Grade Information, Club Activities, and the Clubs code of conducts for all members and participants.
Registrations Winter Season
Registrations open February and close March for the winter season.
The season starts early to mid April and ends late September with Prizegivings in October.
Senior teams may have a pre-season starting earlier in the year.
2025 Season Dates - Coming soon
Team Selection 9th to 17th Grade
For player development and club growth OMUAFC encourages players to compete at a level best suited to individual athletes. We are lucky enough to have all levels of players within our club and the support to ensure everyone has the same opportunity for success within their sport at a level they are comfortable with.
As a club, team selection will be focused on players competing at levels that challenge their abilities. If required we will be running a “Team Selection Day” TBC (NB Only grades with more than one team of registered players will be required to attend a selection day) The Club will make contact with a date and time.
Selection day will give the players an opportunity to play football, meet other players, coaches and parents. Club officials will evaluate the players’ abilities while they play. Evaluation covers all aspects of the game e.g passing ability, receiving and turning, Vision and awareness.
From there the Club officials will create team lists. Parents and players will be notified of teams and training nights by their coaches/ managers over the following weeks.
Players will be notified by their coach after Registration and Team Selection has been finalised
Football Gear
Every player MUST have
All gear is available from most Sportswear retailers. INTER FOOTBALL ONEHUNGA MANGERE UNITED AFC – Inter Football
Players must provide their own training balls for the following grades :
This encourages players to take responsibility of a ball and enable practice at home.
Soccer Matches
OMUAFC is affiliated to Northern Regional Football Federation who Organise the interclub leagues.
6th, 7th and 8th grade is organised by the Mountain League
Junior Grades
First Kicks will play Mondays 5pm to 6pm at Swanson Park. Run by the First Kicks Coordinator and Game Day Leaders.
First Kicks 6th Grade is part of the Mountain League and is allocated to a team with Coach and Manager. One training during the week at Swanson Park as advised by the team Coach. A Saturday morning game at Mangere Mountain for Home games or Away games at Waikaraka Park Onehunga. Game start times vary from 8am to 9am Saturday mornings.
7 & 8th Grade as part of the Mountain League will play their games at Mangere Mountain for Home games or Away games at Waikaraka Park Onehunga. Game start times vary from 8am to 9am Saturday mornings.
Youth Grades
9th Grade upwards One training during the week at Swanson Park . Training times is dependent on the team Coach. Play Mangere Mountain for Home games and at various venues as advised by your Coach/ Manager for Away games. Game start times vary from 8.30am to 1.30pm Saturdays.
Training grounds is at Swanson Park, McIntyre Road, Mangere Bridge - Behind Fresh Choice
Training times for Juniors is arranged and will be confirmed by your Coach and/or Team Manager. Training night could be a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday depending on your coach’s time slot choice. Allocated training times do not extend past 6.20pm for Juniors.
Training for Senior Teams is by arrangement of your Team Coach. Swanson Park is available after 6.25pm during week days for training for Senior Teams.
Your Coach and/or Team Manager will advise prior to your first game of the season
Digger Douglas Memorial Tournament 8th & 9th Grade
Teams from the 8th Grade and 9th Grade are invited to participate in the annual Digger Douglas Memorial Tournament held at Mangere Domain each year. The junior convenor will be in touch with your team coach as time nears closer for selection.
Suzanne Stephens Girls Tournament 9th & 10th Grade
Girls Teams from the 10th Grade and 9th Grade are invited to participate in the annual Suzanne Stephens Girls Tournament held at Mangere Domain each year. The junior convenor will be in touch with your team coach as time nears closer for selection.
NRF Northern Region Football (formerly AFF - Auckland Football Federation)
Click here for the web site of Norther Region Football. By visiting this site you can find out things such as, Ground Locations, Cancellations, Change of Venue’s, Your team Position in the league and Game Draws.
Weekly Prizegiving
Saturday evenings at 5.30pm, OMUAFC runs a Prize giving for all teams. ‘Player of the Days’ are announced and trophies presented. This event is normally well attended and a lot of fun. Everybody is encouraged and invited to come up to the clubrooms.
Annual Events
End of Season Prizegiving is held in October.
End of Season Junior Disco. Open to all Junior club. Keep an eye on the event calendar for dates.
Fundraising Nights as advised are held throughout the season. Check the event calendar, website or facebook for dates and times.
Team Photos
Team photos happen on a Monday evening at the Clubrooms later June to mid July. You will be advised of the confirmed photo night date and your team time slot as time draws nearer.
Full team attendance is requested. You are required to be tidy and wear your team uniform: red shirt, white shorts, and red socks. No football boots, watches, bold jewellery, or under shirts showing.
One photo is included with your paid fees for all First Kicks, Junior and Youth Grades. Senior team photos and any additional print copies are available to purchase on photo night.
Photos will be distributed to players at the end of year prizegivings.
Coaching & Referee Development
There is training available to volunteers through Northeen Region Football. OMUAFC supports our volunteers and therefore provides some funding towards these courses. If you would like to see more details about coaching, officiating and other courses, please email:
All junior club coaches are encouraged to attend and complete a free Coaching Level 1 course.
OMUAFC Committee
OMUAFC prides itself on being a Family Friendly Club run by Volunteers who are always appreciative of a helping hand. The sport would not continue without the support of the officials, the coaches and the other volunteers within clubs. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact a COMMITTEE MEMBER. No experience required - only enthusiasm!
Club Code of Conduct
Reminder to all members, players, coaches & managers, parents and participants that we have strict guidelines regarding code of conduct, anti harrassment, and child safety.
Click here to view code of conduct policies
Should you have a complaint or grievance you wish to raise, please do so in confidence in writing to our Club President
Address: Clubrooms, Te Pane o Mataaho/Te Ara Pueru, Domain Road, Mangere Bridge, Auckland, 2022